Saturday, November 1, 2008

TO A POINT: If I were running for office …

WHY DON'T people prepare for office before they run? I've done my fair share of local political reporting the past few months, and I keep asking myself that question.
I would think these new candidates would begin showing up for school board, city council and county board meetings – depending on which it is they'd like to join. Not only would they get a sense for how things go before jumping in with both feet, but they'd also serve the voter better. They would then know what issues are before that body and how they're being dealt with now. And then they could come with their own solutions.
In fact, if I were running for office I'd take the time to read through the minutes of each meeting for the last year or so. Then I wouldn't suggest something that's already been done before. Then I would avoid sitting in meetings for the first few months with nothing to say because I'm trying to figure out what's going on. Most of all, I'd avoid looking like an idiot, and I try to do that whenever possible.
I question why these candidates don't care to arm themselves with the facts of each situation. Perhaps it is because of my training as a journalist, but I want to gather as much information as possible on a topic before I start sharing my opinions on it.
Call me self-absorbed, but I think those candidates OWE it to us voters to be well-informed. I only need point to Washington, D.C. to prove how much ill-informed people can mess things up. (I could use plenty of other adjectives to describe those politicians, but that's off topic, so I'll refrain.)
I've always leaned towards supporting term limits because I think it's good to get new blood onto a board. New people come with fresh ideas. They see things from different angles. They have lots of energy. I think those are very worthwhile traits. Yet, quite frankly, it scares me to elect someone who I don't feel has a good grasp of the current situation. As a voter, I'm checking a name on a ballot because I feel this person will serve me well, that they'll factor in every side to each situation, that they'll treat my tax dollar as their own. I want to know they're level-headed, business-minded and fair. I want to elect a person of integrity. Even if I don't agree with their position all the time, I want someone I can respect.
If I were running for office, that's the kind of person I'd try to be.

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