Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Karate lessons help children focus

Professional Karate Studio head instructor Derek Reid admits that if he were a child today, he would likely be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD). He advises parents to seek help by enrolling their children in a karate class. “It really helps them to focus,” Reid noted, “which helps them in school.”

Focus is a primary part of Taekwondo training. There are three points of focus, Reid tells his students. One, bring your attention to bear on something. Two, notice what is distinctive about that thing. And three, which is the most important, stay in the here and now. “Don’t think about the mistakes you made in the past. Don’t think about the future. Think about the here and now,” said Reid.

Many parents have written letters to Reid commenting on the changes they’ve noticed in their children following Taekwondo lessons. “Their behavior and grades were improved,” noted Reid. “Even their teachers noticed they were more calm, more secure and more sure in themselves.”

By participating in the program, each student considers what he would like to achieve, and then sets goals for himself. Those who do well in school are rewarded with academic achievement awards.

There are a number of classes offered Mondays to Saturdays for children at Professional Karate Studio in Cambridge. Little Dragons is for ages four to seven. Instructors acknowledge that young children have a limited attention span, and they focus on making the class stimulating. There are also classes for 14 and under that meet several times a week. Older children are included in the adult classes. Students learn techniques through repetition and practice. New students begin with a white belt, and move up through the ranks. It takes adults about five years to earn a black belt; it takes children a bit longer depending on the level of their motor skills when they enroll. The youngest black belt at Professional Karate Studio was 11 years old.

In addition to the mental benefits of karate, there are the physical benefits associated with regular exercise. Sessions focus on cardio, strength and flexibility training, as well as self-defense skills. Martial arts are also well known for their stress-relieving benefits, which help both children and adults.

See if Taekwondo is for you by signing up for a one-month trial. The $24.95 fee includes unlimited access to classes and a uniform. Learn more by calling 763-552-KICK (5424). Professional Karate Studios is located in Crossroad Commons at 1001 1st Ave. E., Suite 70, in Cambridge. Browse for more information and a schedule of classes.

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